@article{fdi:010049347, title = {{E}fficacy of non-artemisinin- and artemisinin-based combination therapies for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in {C}ameroon}, author = {{W}hegang, {S}. {Y}. and {T}ahar, {R}achida and {F}oumane, {V}. {N}. and {S}oula, {G}. and {G}wet, {H}. and {T}halabard, {J}. {C}. and {B}asco, {L}eonardo}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {T}he use of drug combinations, including non-artemisinin-based and artemisinin-based combination therapy ({ACT}), is a novel strategy that enhances therapeutic efficacy and delays the emergence of multidrug-resistant {P}lasmodium falciparum. {I}ts use is strongly recommended in most sub-{S}aharan {A}frican countries, namely {C}ameroon, where resistance to chloroquine is widespread and antifolate resistance is emerging. {M}ethods: {S}tudies were conducted in {C}ameroonian children with acute uncomplicated {P}. falciparum malaria according to the standard {W}orld {H}ealth {O}rganization protocol at four sentinel sites between 2003 and 2007. {A} total of 1,401 children were enrolled, of whom 1,337 were assigned to randomized studies and 64 were included in a single non-randomized study. {T}he proportions of adequate clinical and parasitological response ({PCR}-uncorrected on day 14 and {PCR}-corrected on day 28) were the primary endpoints to evaluate treatment efficacy on day 14 and day 28. {T}he relative effectiveness of drug combinations was compared by a multi-treatment {B}ayesian random-effect meta-analysis. {F}indings: {T}he results based on the meta-analysis suggested that artesunate-amodiaquine ({AS}-{AQ}) is as effective as other drugs (artesunate-sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine [{AS}-{SP}], artesunate-chlorproguanil-dapsone [{AS}-{CD}], artesunate-mefloquine [{AS}-{MQ}], dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine [{DH}-{PP}], artemether-lumefantrine [{AM}-{LM}], amodiaquine, and amodiaquine-sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine [{AQ}-{SP}]). {AM}-{LM} appeared to be the most effective with no treatment failure due to recrudescence, closely followed by {DH}-{PP}. {C}onclusion: {A}lthough {AM}-{LM} requires six doses, rather than three doses for other artemisinin-based combinations, it has potential advantages over other forms of {ACT}. {F}urther studies are needed to evaluate the clinical efficacy and tolerance of these combinations in different epidemiological context.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}alaria {J}ournal}, volume = {9}, numero = {}, pages = {56}, ISSN = {1475-2875}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1186/1475-2875-9-56}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049347}, }