@article{fdi:010049323, title = {{F}actors influencing the survivorship of the burrowing nematode, {R}adopholus similis ({C}obb.) {T}horne in two types of soil from banana plantations in {M}artinique}, author = {{C}habrier, {C}. and {T}ixier, {P}. and {D}uyck, {P}. {F}. and {C}arles, {C}. and {Q}u{\'e}n{\'e}herv{\'e}, {P}atrick}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he burrowing nematode, {R}adopholus similis ({C}obb.) {T}horne, causes the most damage to bananas. {T}o minimize nematicide applications, cropping systems that use fallow, crop rotation and clean planting material have been developed in the {F}rench {W}est {I}ndies. {I}n order to optimize the benefit of the intercropping period, we studied the survivorship of {R}. similis in different soil types and conditions. {W}e monitored the survivorship of calibrated populations of {R}. similis in the laboratory on a {N}itisol and on an {A}ndosol, two soils derived from volcanic ashes and pumices. {W}e studied water potentials ranging from 0 to -700 k{P}a on undisturbed soil and on soil previously frozen to get rid of living nematodes. {M}ortality of adult {R}. similis decreased regularly, and was fairly well described by {T}eissier's model. {I}n the previously frozen soils, {R}. similis survived longer in wet soils (half-life of 21-46 days at 0 to -5 k{P}a) than in dry soils (half-life of less than 10 days between -80 and -250 k{P}a). {I}n contrast, in undisturbed soils, {R}. similis survived longer in dry soils: half-lives ranged from 57 days at -273 k{P}a to 17 days at water saturation in the {A}ndosol, and 36 days at -660 k{P}a to 14 days at water saturation in the {N}itisol. {T}hese results are consistent with the absence of anhydrobiosis in {R}. similis, unlike {P}ratylenchus coffeae. {A} coffeae survivorship curves over time do not follow a model derived from exponential decrease like {T}eissier's model. {T}hese results also show that the recommended one year host-free period required to sanitize soils cannot be shortened without risk, even if flooding the soil could improve it.}, keywords = {{N}ematode survivorship ; {B}urrowing nematode ; {P}ratylenchidae ; {P}ratylenchus ; coffeae ; {A}ndosol ; {N}itisol}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}pplied {S}oil {E}cology}, volume = {44}, numero = {2}, pages = {116--123}, ISSN = {0929-1393}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1016/j.apsoil.2009.10.005}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049323}, }