@article{fdi:010049204, title = {{E}ssential veterinary education in modern molecular tools for the detection of disease : what veterinarians will need to know about genomics and molecular biology and diagnostics (including bioterrorist weapons) in 2025}, author = {de {L}amballerie, {X}avier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}uture veterinary education programmes in microbiology will undoubtedly include an increasing emphasis on new and existing molecular tools. {T}hey should also, however, provide veterinarians with a comprehensive and clear understanding of the types of results that can be obtained using a particular approach (for example, specific diagnostic procedures as against open diagnostic procedures, phenotypic versus genotypic characterisation, etc.). {F}urthermore, students should gain a sound knowledge of which type of test is the most appropriate in a given clinical or epidemiological situation, and what conclusions can or cannot be drawn from the results. {C}onsequently, each veterinary curriculum should focus on the following items: the principles of molecular biology and genomics; the detection of disease and characteristics of molecular tests; the principles of micro-organism taxonomy, sequence comparison and molecular epidemiology and their applications (such as: taxonomic identification, epidemiological survey, genetic evolution and the traceability of strains); and the role of the veterinarian in the field of zoonoses and human public health.}, keywords = {{B}ioterrorist weapons ; {C}urriculum ; {E}merging pathogens ; {G}enomics ; {M}odern molecular diagnostics ; {S}pecific versus open diagnostic procedures}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evue {S}cientifique et {T}echnique - {O}ffice {I}nternational des {E}pizooties}, volume = {28}, numero = {2}, pages = {657--662}, ISSN = {0253-1933}, year = {2009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049204}, }