@article{fdi:010049192, title = {{I}nteractive learning of independent experts criteria for rescue simulations}, author = {{C}hu, {T}. {Q}. and {D}rogoul, {A}lexis and {B}oucher, {A}. and {Z}ucker, {J}ean-{D}aniel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}fficient response to natural disasters has an increasingly important role in limiting the toll on human life and property. {T}he work we have undertaken seeks to improve existing models by building a {D}ecision {S}upport {S}ystem ({DSS}) of resource allocation and planning for natural disaster emergencies in urban areas. {A} multi-agent environment is used to simulate disaster response activities, taking into account geospatial, temporal and rescue organizational information. {T}he problem we address is the acquisition of situated expert knowledge that is used to organize rescue missions. {W}e propose an approach based on participatory design and interactive learning which incrementally elicits experts' preferences by online analysis of their interventions with rescue simulations. {A}n additive utility functions are used, assuming mutual preferential independence between decision criteria, as a preference for the elicitation process. {T}he learning algorithm proposed refines the coefficients of the utility function by resolving incremental linear programming. {F}or testing our algorithm, we run rescue scenarios of ambulances saving victims. {T}his experiment makes use of geographical data for the {B}a-{D}inh district of {H}anoi and damage parameters from well-regarded local statistical and geographical resources. {T}he preliminary results show that our approach is initially confident in solving this problem.}, keywords = {{D}isaster {R}esponse ; {M}ulti-{C}riteria {D}ecision {M}aking ; {D}ecision {S}upport {S}ystem ; {M}ulti-agent {S}imulation ; {I}nteractive {L}earning ; {P}reference {E}licitation ; {U}tility {F}unction ; {P}articipatory {D}esign}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {U}niversal {C}omputer {S}cience}, volume = {15}, numero = {13}, pages = {2701--2725}, ISSN = {0948-695{X}}, year = {2009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049192}, }