@article{fdi:010049179, title = {{O}ceanic loading monitored by ground-based tiltmeters at {C}herbourg ({F}rance)}, author = {{F}lorsch, {N}icolas and {L}lubes, {M}. and {W}oppelmann, {G}. and {L}onguevergne, {L}. and {B}oy, {J}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e installed two orthogonal {B}lum-{E}snoult silica tiltmeters in an underground military facility close to the shore in {C}herbourg ({F}rance). {T}hey have recorded the oceanic loading effects from {M}arch 2004 to {J}uly 2005. {T}he signal to noise ratio is such that, within a period range from a few minutes to a few days, the main non-linear oceanic tides up to the {M}10 group can be observed. {T}he modelling of the tidal tilt deformation has been carried out using oceanic models of the {FES}2004 family, with a stepwise refinement of the grid size based on the unstructured grid {T}-{UGA}m model leading to the {NEA}-2004 tidal solution. {T}his improvement permits to reduce the discrepancy between the model and the data with respect to the use of {FES}2004 alone, and show that, although the misfit remains significant, one progresses toward an independent mean to validate the oceanic models and finally the whole modelling process. {W}e also show that tiltmeters open new opportunities to explore loading of non-linear tides on a larger spectrum than gravimeters and {GPS} do.}, keywords = {{I}nclinometry ; {T}ilt ; {O}ceanic loading ; {FES}2004 ; {N}on-linear tides}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {G}eodynamics}, volume = {48}, numero = {3-5}, pages = {211--218}, ISSN = {0264-3707}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jog.2009.09.017}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049179}, }