@article{fdi:010049153, title = {{H}ow does fishing alter marine populations and ecosystems sensitivity to climate ?}, author = {{P}lanque, {B}. and {F}romentin, {J}. {M}. and {C}ury, {P}hilippe and {D}rinkwater, {K}. {F}. and {J}ennings, {S}. and {P}erry, {R}. {I}. and {K}ifani, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}vidence has accumulated that climate variability influences the state and functioning of marine ecosystems. {A}t the same time increasing pressure from exploitation and other human activities has been shown to impact exploited and non-exploited species and potentially modify ecosystem structure. {T}here has been a tendency among marine scientists to pose the question as a dichotomy, i.e., whether (1) "natural" climate variability or (2) fishery exploitation bears the primary responsibility for population declines in fish populations and the associated ecosystem changes. {H}owever, effects of both climate and exploitation are probably substantially involved in most cases. {M}ore importantly, climate and exploitation interact in their effects, such that climate may cause failure in a fishery management scheme but that fishery exploitation may also disrupt the ability of a resource population to withstand, or adjust to, climate changes. {H}ere, we review how exploitation, by altering the structure of populations and ecosystems, can modify their ability to respond to climate. {T}he demographic effects of fishing (removal of large-old individuals) can have substantial consequences on the capacity of populations to buffer climate variability through various pathways (direct demographic effects, effects on migration, parental effects). {I}n a similar way, selection of population sub-units within metapopulations may also lead to a reduction in the capacity of populations to withstand climate variability and change. {A}t the ecosystem level, reduced complexity by elimination of species, such as might occur by fishing, may be destabilizing and could lead to reduced resilience to perturbations. {D}ifferential exploitation of marine resources could also promote increased turnover rates in marine ecosystems, which would exacerbate the effects of environmental changes. {O}verall (and despite the specificities of local situations) reduction in marine diversity at the individual, population and ecosystem levels will likely lead to a reduction in the resilience and an increase in the response of populations and ecosystems to future climate variability and change. {F}uture management schemes will have to consider the structure and functioning of populations and ecosystems in a wider sense in order to maximise the ability of marine fauna to adapt to future climates.}, keywords = {{C}limate-fishing interactions ; {D}emography ; {M}arine ecosystems ; {R}esilience}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, volume = {79}, numero = {3-4}, pages = {403--417}, ISSN = {0924-7963}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.12.018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049153}, }