@article{fdi:010049030, title = {{W}ater levels in the {A}mazon basin derived from the {ERS} 2 and {ENVISAT} radar altimetry missions}, author = {da {S}ilva, {J}. {S}. and {C}almant, {S}t{\'e}phane and {S}eyler, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}rique and {R}otunno, {O}. {C}. and {C}ochonneau, {G}{\'e}rard and {M}ansur, {W}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study sets out to analyze the stages of water bodies in the {A}mazon basin derived from the processing of {ERS}-2 and {ENVISAT} satellite altimetry data. {F}or {ENVISAT}, {GDR} measurements for both {I}ce-1 and {I}ce-2 tracking algorithms were tested. {F}or {ERS}-2, the {I}ce-2 data produced by the {OSCAR} project was used. {W}ater level time series over river segments of very different width, from several kilometers to less than a hundred of meters, were studied. {T}he water level time series that can be derived from narrow riverbeds are enhanced by off-nadir detections. {C}onversely, the off-nadir effect may degrade the series over large bodies if not properly accounted for. {C}omparison at crossovers and with in situ gauges shows that the quality of the series can be highly variable, from 12 cm in the best cases and 40 cm in most cases to several meters in the worse cases. {C}autious data selection is clearly a key point to achieve high quality series. {I}ndeed, low quality series mostly result from inclusion of outliers in the data set finally retained for the computation of the series. {I}ce-2 and {I}ce-1 tracking algorithms in the {ENVISAT} data perform almost equally well. {ENVISAT} altimetry is clearly an improvement on {ERS}-2 altimetry.}, keywords = {{R}adar altimetry ; {U}ncertainty assessment ; {T}ime series analysis ; {U}ngaged basin ; {A}mazon basin}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}emote {S}ensing of {E}nvironment}, volume = {114}, numero = {10}, pages = {2160--2181}, ISSN = {0034-4257}, year = {2010}, DOI = {10.1016/j.rse.2010.04.020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010049030}, }