@article{fdi:010048449, title = {{T}he relevance of size parameters as indicators of fishery exploitation in two {W}est {A}frican reservoirs}, author = {{K}antoussan, {J}ustin and {E}coutin, {J}ean-{M}arc and {F}ontenelle, {G}. and {T}hiaw, {O}. {T}. and {T}ito de {M}orais, {L}uis and {L}a{\¨e}, {R}aymond}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ish communities living within the artificial reservoirs of {M}anantali and {S}elingue in {M}ali are compared after the monitoring of small-scale fishery landings over 13 months ({M}ay 2002-{J}une 2003). {T}he fishing pressure constitutes the main difference of these two similar reservoirs. {T}he effects of fishing on the structure of the fish communities are analyzed by using fish size spectra and derived indicators. {I}n {S}elingue {R}eservoir, the fishing gears mostly target smaller species (mean length of 165 mm) than in {M}anantali {R}eservoir (mean length of 210 mm). {U}nlike in {S}elingue, the size structure does not change between seasons in {M}anantali. {I}n {S}elingue, fishing practices that target the fish recruitment of the year constitute a structuring factor of the fish sizes observed in the catches. {I}n spite of similar values of the slopes of the global fish communities' size spectra between the two reservoirs, they clearly display an intense exploitation at {S}elingue. {T}hen, size-based spectra indicators represent a potential tool for assessing the impact of fishing on fish communities in small-scale fisheries.}, keywords = {{F}ish length ; {S}ize-based indicators ; {F}ish community ; {S}mall-scale ; fisheries ; {A}frican reservoirs}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {E}cology}, volume = {43}, numero = {4}, pages = {1167--1178}, ISSN = {1386-2588}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1007/s10452-009-9236-9}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048449}, }