@article{fdi:010048425, title = {{V}ariation of {L}eptopilina boulardi success in {D}rosophila hosts : what is inside the black box ? ${DOC}_{AUTEURG} {P}r{\'e}vost, {G}. (ed.)}, author = {{D}ubuffet, {A}. and {C}olinet, {D}. and {A}nselme, {C}. and {D}upas, {S}t{\'e}phane and {C}arton, {Y}. and {P}oiri{\'e}, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}nteractions between {D}rosophila hosts and parasitoid wasps are among the few examples in which occurrence of intraspecific variation of parasite success has been studied in natural populations. {S}uch variations can originate from three categories of factors: environmental, host and parasitoid factors. {U}nder controlled laboratory conditions, it is possible to focus on the two last categories, and, using specific reference lines, to analyze their respective importance. {P}arasitoid and host contributions to variations in parasite success have largely been studied in terms of evolutionary and mechanistic aspects in two {D}rosophila parasitoids, {A}sobara tabida and, in more details, in {L}eptopilina boulardi. {T}his chapter focuses on the physiological and molecular aspects of {L}. boulardi interactions with two {D}rosophila host species, while most of the evolutionary hypotheses and models are presented in {C}hapter 11 of {D}upas et al.}, keywords = {{VIRUS}-{LIKE} {PARTICLES} ; {CELLULAR} {IMMUNE}-{RESPONSE} ; {LARVAL} {COMPETITIVE} {ABILITY} ; {PARASITOID} {ASOBARA}-{TABIDA} ; {COTESIA}-{SESAMIAE} {CAMERON} ; {INNATE} {IMMUNITY} ; {BUSSEOLA}-{FUSCA} ; {MANDUCA}-{SEXTA} ; {TRADE}-{OFF} ; {MELANOGASTER} ; {RESISTANCE}}, booktitle = {{P}arasitoids of #{D}rosophila$}, journal = {{A}dvances in {P}arasitology}, numero = {}, pages = {147--188}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1016/s0065-308x(09)70006-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048425}, }