@article{fdi:010048341, title = {{P}redator foraging behaviour drives food-web topological structure}, author = {{L}azzaro, {X}avier and {L}acroix, {G}. and {G}auzens, {B}. and {G}ignoux, {J}. and {L}egendre, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {1. {T}he structure and dynamics of prey populations are shaped by the foraging behaviours of their predators. {Y}et, there is still little documentation on how distinct predator foraging types control biodiversity, food-web architecture and ecosystem functioning. 2. {W}e experimentally compared the effects of model fish species of two major foraging types of lake planktivores: a size-selective visual feeder (bluegill), and a filter feeder (gizzard shad). {T}he visual feeder forages on individually captured consumer prey, whereas the filter feeder forages on various prey simultaneously, not only consumers but also primary producers. {W}e ran a 1-month mesocosm experiment cross-classifying a biomass gradient of each predator type. {W}e analysed the effect of each fish on food-web architecture by computing major topological descriptors over time (connectance, link density, omnivory index, etc.). {T}hese descriptors were computed from 80 predator-prey binary matrices, using taxa mostly identified at the species level. 3. {W}e found that the visual feeder induced more trophic cul-de-sac (inedible) primary-producer species, lower link density and connectance, and lower levels of food-web omnivory and generalism than the filter feeder. {Y}et, predator biomass did not affect food-web topology. 4. {O}ur results highlight that top-predator foraging behaviour is a key functional trait that can drive food-web topology and ultimately ecosystem functioning.}, keywords = {connectance ; generalism ; omnivory ; planktivorous fish ; trophic cul-de-sac}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}nimal {E}cology}, volume = {78}, numero = {6}, pages = {1307--1317}, ISSN = {0021-8790}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-2656.2009.01588.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048341}, }