@article{fdi:010048245, title = {{R}elationships between climate, soil moisture and phenology of the woody cover in two sites located along the {W}est {A}frican latitudinal gradient}, author = {{S}eghieri, {J}osiane and {V}escovo, {A}. and {P}adel, {K}. and {S}oubie, {R}. and {A}rjounin, {M}arc and {B}oulain, {N}icolas and {R}osnay de, {P}. and {G}alle, {S}ylvie and {G}osset, {M}arielle and {M}ouctar, {A}. {H}. and {P}eugeot, {C}hristophe and {T}imouk, {F}ranck}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he study quantifies the relationships at local scale between phenology and determinants of climate and soil water resources at two sites located along the latitudinal gradient of {W}est {A}frica, one in the central {S}ahel ({M}ali), the other in the {S}udanian bioclimatic zone ({B}enin). {T}he aim is to improve our knowledge on possible vegetation response to possible climate change. {W}ithin the {S}udanian site, average annual rainfall is 1200 mm, extending from {A}pril to {O}ctober, while, in the {S}ahelian site, it is 370 mm, occurring from {J}une to {S}eptember. {P}hysical data were collected from the {A}frican {M}onsoon {M}ultidisciplinary {A}nalysis research programme. {T}he phenology of the dominant species was monitored in four types of vegetation cover at the wetter site, and in three types of vegetation cover at the drier site. {F}or each sampled plant, leafing, flowering and fruiting were recorded as binary variables in terms of the presence/absence of phenophases. {A} small proportion of the variability of each phenophase occurrence is explained by the logit models. {H}owever, rainfall rise is significantly linked to leafing probability increase in the {S}ahelian site but not in the {S}udanian site. {D}ay length extension and temperature decrease are significantly correlated with an increase in leafing in the {S}udanian site, but not in the {S}ahelian. {O}n both sites, the increase in cumulative rainfall is not found to be linked to an increased probability of reproductive phenophases (negative or non-significant relationships). {A}ir temperature is positively correlated with flowering rate in the {S}udanian site, but, all other factors being constant, no climate factors are found to be highly significant of flowering occurrence in the {S}ahel. {F}ruiting probability is positively correlated mainly with temperature within the {S}ahelian site. {L}eafing occurrence is positively correlated with soil moisture in the 0-1 m layer for the {S}udanian site, but not for the {S}ahelian site. {S}ignificant relationships between fruiting occurrence and soil moisture may reflect a prior selection of plants on fruiting period that maximizes seed dispersion and germination differently at the two sites. {W}hile vegetative and reproduction schedules may be determined by specific genetic factors, the physical environment controls the possibility of their expression. {R}eduction of the rainfall amount and intensity may increase reproduction rates in wet areas. {A}lthough this factor should decrease leafing rate, it does not influence reproduction at dry sites, except through the decrease in air humidity. {I}n wetter areas, increasing temperature may reduce leafing, but may increase reproduction rates. {C}over reduction may have an impact on local physical factors and, consequently, probably also affects vegetation phenology.}, keywords = {{D}etermining factors ; {L}ife cycle ; {L}ogit model ; {S}ahel ; {S}udanian climate ; {S}tand}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {H}ydrology}, volume = {375}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {78--89}, ISSN = {0022-1694}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.01.023}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048245}, }