@article{fdi:010048217, title = {{D}etermination of soil content in chlordecone (organochlorine pesticide) using near infrared reflectance spectroscopy ({NIRS})}, author = {{B}runet, {D}idier and {W}oignier, {T}hierry and {L}esueur-{J}annoyer, {M}. and {A}chard, {R}. and {R}angon, {L}uc and {B}arth{\`e}s, {B}ernard}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{C}hlordecone is a toxic organochlorine insecticide that was used in banana plantations until 1993 in the {F}rench {W}est {I}ndies. {T}his study aimed at assessing the potential of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy ({NIRS}) for determining chlordecone content in {A}ndosols, {N}itisols and {F}erralsols from {M}artinique. {U}sing partial least square regression, chlordecone content conventionally determined through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry could be correctly predicted by {NIRS} ({Q}(2) = 0.75, {R}-2 = 0.82 for the total set), especially for samples with chlordecone content <12 mg kg(-1) or when the sample set was rather homogeneous ({Q}(2) = 0.91, {R}-2 = 0.82 for the {A}ndosols). {C}onventional measures and {NIRS} predictions were poorly correlated for chlordecone content >12 mg kg(-1), nevertheless ca. 80% samples were correctly predicted when the set was divided into three or four classes of chlordecone content. {T}hus {NIRS} could be considered a time- and cost-effective method for characterising soil contamination by chlordecone.}, keywords = {{N}ear infrared reflectance spectroscopy ({NIRS}) ; {O}rganochlorine ; pesticide ; {C}hlordecone ; {S}oil contamination}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {P}ollution}, volume = {157}, numero = {11}, pages = {3120--3125}, ISSN = {0269-7491}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1016/j.envpol.2009.05.026}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048217}, }