@article{fdi:010048170, title = {{C}omposición elemental y contenido de metales en sedimentos marinos de la bahía {M}ejillones del {S}ur, {C}hile : evaluación ambiental de la zona costera}, author = {{V}ald{\`e}s, {J}. and {S}ifeddine, {A}bdelfettah}, editor = {}, language = {{SPA}}, abstract = {{T}he total carbon, total nitrogen, total sulphur, organic matter, {N}i, {C}d, {P}b, {C}u, and {Z}n concentrations were measured in coastal sediments (10 m water depth) at eight stations in {M}ejillones {B}ay. {T}he elemental composition of these sediments is a function of the autochthonous organic matter generated in this coastal system. {T}he order of abundance for the metals was: {Z}n > {C}u > {N}i > {P}b > {C}d. {T}he metal content is not explained by the organic matter content or grain size of these coastal sediments. {T}he evaluation of the concentration metals in the sediments showed that {N}i, {Z}n, and {P}b are slightly enriched at the present, although with values that are similar to preindustrial concentrations. {A} cluster analysis of the similarity in the study area separated the {M}ejillones coast into two main zones: one related to the industrial activity developed in this bay and the other related to the urban develop of {M}ejillones city, with characteristics similar to environments free of direct human activity.}, keywords = {marine sediments ; heavy metals ; elemental analysis ; {M}ejillones ; {C}hile}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{L}atin {A}merican {J}ournal of {A}quatic {R}esearch}, volume = {37}, numero = {2}, pages = {131--141}, ISSN = {0718-560{X}}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.3856/vol37-issue2-fulltext-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010048170}, }