@article{fdi:010046947, title = {{I}nfluence des pratiques culturales sur la diversit{\'e} des jach{\`e}res d'origine foresti{\`e}re ({H}autes-{T}erres, {M}adagascar)}, author = {{R}andriamalala, {R}.{J}. and {S}erpanti{\'e}, {G}eorges and {C}arri{\`e}re, {S}t{\'e}phanie {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{I}nfluence of agricultural practices and ecological environment on the diversity of the fallows of forest origin ({H}ighlands, {M}adagascar). -{T}he present study relates to the fallow (kapoka) of forest origin in western edge of the forested "corridor" {R}anomafana-{A}ndringitra on the {M}alagasy {H}ighlands. {T}he objectives of this research were to characterize the evolution of the vegetation in the fallows and to describe the cultivation parameters and those related to the ecological environment in order to determine those which could influence the dynamics of succession. {A} synchronic approach was adopted: 14 fallow fields of different ages were retained. {F}ormal investigations and pedological studies were carried out in the fields. {T}he results showed that: (1) the fallow vegetation can be in a progressive evolution leading to a shrubby and wooded vegetation when intensity of exploitation, characterized by the cumulated duration of the cultivated period, mode of tillage, and the age of the fallow, is weak; on the other hand when intensity of exploitation is high the regressive evolution leading to a grassy formation of pseudo-steppic type occurs; (2) vegetation diversity within each field in fallow is low (from 3 to 41 species), whereas when scale is changed, total diversity for the 14 fields is much more important (107 species).}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evue d'{E}cologie la {T}erre et la {V}ie}, volume = {62}, numero = {2-3}, pages = {169--189}, ISSN = {0249-7395}, year = {2007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010046947}, }