@article{fdi:010046334, title = {{C}ast production and {NIR} spectral signatures of {A}porrectodea caliginosa fed soil with different amounts of half-decomposed {P}opulus nigra litter}, author = {{Z}hang, {C}. and {L}anglest, {R}. and {V}elasquez, {E}. and {P}ando, {A}nne and {B}runet, {D}idier and {D}ai, {J}. and {L}avelle, {P}atrick}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ub-adult individuals of {A}porrectodea caliginosa were incubated for 16 weeks under laboratory cultures in a soil treated with 0%, 10% or 50% of a {P}opulus nigra half-decomposed leaves, respectively. {G}rowth was maximum in the 50% organic matter treatment and cocoon production occurred. {A}verage soil ingestion rates decreased from 1.56 g/g(-1) fresh weight of worm per day(-1) in control soil to 1.17 and 0.5 g, respectively, in treatments with 10% and 50% half-decomposed litter. {S}urface casts never comprised more than 10% of total cast production. {N}ear-infrared spectrometry ({NIRS})signatures of digested and non-ingested soil significantly differed and showed a rather constant effect of digestion, independent of the organic matter content (p < 0.01). {T}hese results confirm the value of {NIRS} spectral signatures as indicators of the origin of soil aggregates and biological processes involved in soil aggregation.}, keywords = {{E}arthworm casts ; {NIR} spectral signature ; {S}oil macroaggregates ; {A}porrectodea caliginosa}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iology and {F}ertility of {S}oils}, volume = {45}, numero = {8}, pages = {839--844}, ISSN = {0178-2762}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1007/s00374-009-0395-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010046334}, }