@article{fdi:010046257, title = {{E}valuating parameter effects in a {DEM} 'burning' process based on land cover data}, author = {{G}etirana, {A}ugusto and {B}onnet, {M}arie-{P}aule and {M}artinez, {J}ean-{M}ichel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ver the last years, various methods regarding the use of digital land cover data to change digital elevation models ({DEM}s) have been reported in the literature. {U}sually, these methods rely on digital river networks ({DRN}s) or digital river and lake networks ({DRLN}s) to force preferential flow directions of pixels composing a {DEM} to get more realistic hydrological information, and reduce the accumulated number of errors in the information acquisition process. {M}ore recently, a new method that takes advantage of spatial distribution of rivers and floodplains derived from classified radar images has been presented. {T}he method is based on a double 'burning' process. {T}he first process uses stream lines to reduce elevations in the {DEM} (traditional stream burning approach-{SB} approach) and the second uses the floodplains to create valleys forcing the drainage of these areas to the main river. {T}his approach, referred to as floodplain burning approach ({FB} approach), was applied to a basin in the {A}mazon basin. {I}t greatly improved the results compared to the {SB} approach. {H}owever, this method requires the calibration of various parameters to represent accurately land cover types. {T}his study proposes a comprehensive evaluation of the influence of these parameters on the {DEM}-based hydrological information acquisition and on the original {DEM}. {C}onsequently, a method of parameters set selection is provided. {T}he method was applied to a sub-basin of the {N}egro {R}iver basin in {A}mazonia. {S}everal parameter combinations were evaluated in the watershed delineation process. {P}articular attention was paid to whether those parameters with a greater impact on {DEM} yielded better results in the case study. {H}owever, these {DEM} changes can be reduced with the knowledge of vegetation's heights, the vegetation having a substantial effect on remote acquisition of {DEM}s in tropical forests.}, keywords = {digital elevation model ; floodplain ; watershed delineation}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrological {P}rocesses}, volume = {23}, numero = {16}, pages = {2316--2325}, ISSN = {0885-6087}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1002/hyp.7303}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010046257}, }