@article{fdi:010046232, title = {{I}dentification of an active {LTR} retrotransposon in rice}, author = {{P}icault, {N}. and {C}haparro, {C}. and {P}iegu, {B}. and {S}tenger, {W}. and {F}ormey, {D}. and {L}lauro, {C}. and {D}escombin, {J}. and {S}abot, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {L}asserre, {E}. and {M}eynard, {D}. and {G}uiderdoni, {E}. and {P}anaud, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}ransposable elements are ubiquitous components of plant genomes. {W}hen active, these mobile elements can induce changes in the genome at both the structural and functional levels. {A}vailability of the complete genome sequence for several model plant species provides the opportunity to study {TE}s in plants at an unprecedented scale. {I}n the case of rice, annotation of the genomic sequence of the variety {N}ipponbare has revealed that {TE}-related sequences form more than 25% of its genome. {H}owever, most of the elements found are inactive, either because of structural alterations or because they are the target of various silencing pathways. {I}n this paper, we propose a new post-genomic strategy aimed at identifying active {TES}. {O}ur approach relies on transcript profiling of {TE}-related sequences using a tiling microarray. {W}e applied it to a particular class of {TES}, the {LTR} retrotransposons. {A} transcript profiling assay of rice calli led to identification of a new transpositionally active family, named {L}ullaby. {W}e provide a complete structural description of this element. {W}e also show that it has recently been active in planta in rice, and discuss its phylogenetic relationships with {T}os17, the only other active {LTR} retrotransposon described so far in the species.}, keywords = {transposable elements ; transcript profiling ; rice ; {LTR} retrotransposon ; {L}ullaby ; {T}os17}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {J}ournal}, volume = {58}, numero = {5}, pages = {754--765}, ISSN = {0960-7412}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1111/j.1365-313{X}.2009.03813.x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010046232}, }