@article{fdi:010046175, title = {{G}enetic characterization of {HIV}-1 strains in {T}ogo reveals a high genetic complexity and genotypic drug-resistance mutations in {ARV} naive patients}, author = {{D}agnra, {A}. {Y}. and {V}idal, {N}icole and {R}och, {N}. {F}. and {P}rince-{D}avid, {M}. and {D}elaporte, {E}ric and {P}eeters, {M}artine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this study, the genetic diversity of {HIV}-1 and the presence of genotypic drug-resistance mutations in {ARV} naive patients in {L}ome, the capital city of {T}ogo, was documented for the first time. {B}etween {J}une 2006 and {J}anuary 2007, 83 plasma samples were collected in {L}ome from {HIV}-1 positive and antiretroviral ({ARV}) naive individuals. {P}ol (protease + {RT}) and env ({V}3-{V}5) regions were amplified and sequenced. {P}hylogenetic and recombination analyses were done to identify the {HIV}-1 variants. {P}ol sequences were then inspected to identify presence of drug-resistance mutations based on the {WHO} list recommended for epidemiological studies. {A} total of 75 plasma samples were amplified and sequenced in both genomic regions. {T}he phylogenetic analysis showed that {CRF}02 (48.7% and 51.2%) and {G} (12.8% and 16.2%) were predominant, followed by {A}3 (6.4% and 6.2%) and {CRF}06 (3.8% and 12.5%) in pol and env, respectively. {O}ne strain was identified as {CRF}05 in pol and env. {T}wo divergent subtype {A} strains in env were undetermined ({U}) in pol but clustered with a previously described complex recombinant strain, 99{GR}303. {O}verall, at least 23/83 (27.7%) strains were recombinant, 19 had a unique recombinant structure in pol, and 4 had discordant subtype/{CRF} designations between pol and env. {T}he subtypes/{CRF}s involved in the recombination events corresponded to those already circulating as non-recombinant strains in the country. {A} total of 8 patients harbored strains with mutations associated to drug resistance: {L}90{M} (n = 1), {K}103{N} (n = 1), {T}69{N} (n = 1), {T}215{S} (n = 1), {M}41{L} (n = 4). {I}n this study we showed the complexity of the {HIV}-1 strains circulating in {T}ogo and documented a relative high proportion of {ARV} naive patients with drug-resistance mutations. {T}he high number of resistant strains observed in {T}ogo needs further attention and additional studies are needed to confirm this trend especially because the national {ART} program experienced major problems to provide drugs on a regular base.}, keywords = {{HIV}-1 diversity ; {A}ntiretroviral resistance ; {T}ogo}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nfection {G}enetics and {E}volution}, volume = {9}, numero = {4}, pages = {646--652}, ISSN = {1567-1348}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1016/j.meegid.2009.04.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010046175}, }