@article{fdi:010046073, title = {{P}hysical mapping of r{DNA} and heterochromatin in chromosomes of 16 {C}offea species : a revised view of species differentiation}, author = {{H}amon, {P}erla and {S}iljak-{Y}akovlev, {S}. and {S}risuwan, {S}. and {R}obin, {O}. and {P}oncet, {V}al{\'e}rie and {H}amon, {S}erge and {K}ochko, {A}lexandre de}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he chromosome organization among 15 wild diploid {C}offea species and cultivated tetraploid {C}. arabica was determined by fluorochrome banding ({CMA}, {DAPI}) and double fluorescence in-situ hybridization ({FISH}) of 5{S} and 18{S} r{DNA} achieved on the same chromosome plates. {T}wo to five chromosome pairs (plus one putative chromosome {B}) are marked. {O}verall, there are two {SAT}-chromosome pairs for {E}ast {A}frican species and one for the {M}alagasy and the {W}est and {C}entral {A}frican species. 18{S} r{DNA} loci are telomeric and strongly marked the {SAT}-chromosome pairs. {G}enerally, only one pericentromeric 5{S} r{DNA} locus characterized {E}ast {A}frican species, while an additional minor locus co-localized with the 18{S} r{DNA}-{SAT} locus for the {M}alagasy species and {W}est and {C}entral {A}frican species. {A} combination of r{DNA} {FISH} plus {CMA} and {DAPI} banding patterns enables identification of almost all the species, even those for which the genetic or botanical status is still being discussed. {C}. arabica clearly appears to be an allotetraploid species, including one genome from {E}ast {A}frica and one from {W}est and {C}entral {A}frica. {H}owever, since the minor 5{S} r{DNA}-{SAT} locus present in {W}est/{C}entral {A}frican genomes is not detected, two evolutionary hypotheses could be put forward for {C}. arabica. {C}onsidering only the diploid species, global trends are obvious in r{DNA} signal patterns, genome size variations, and geographic distribution of the species, but there are no clear evolutionary trends. {H}owever, complex interactions between these factors and environmental growing conditions exist, which have resulted in loss and gain of r{DNA} loci and probably also in copy repeat number variations in each r{DNA} family.}, keywords = {{C}offea ; fluorescence in-situ hybridization ; fluorochrome banding ; genome organization ; ribosomal {RNA} genes}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}hromosome {R}esearch}, volume = {17}, numero = {3}, pages = {291--304}, ISSN = {0967-3849}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1007/s10577-009-9033-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010046073}, }