@article{fdi:010045050, title = {{T}he {MSEC} project in the {L}ao {PDR} at a glance : biophysical and socio-economic background and project experimental set up}, author = {{V}alentin, {C}hristian and {L}estrelin, {G}uillaume and {C}hanthavongsa, {A}. and {P}hachomphon, {K}. and {D}e {R}ouw, {A}nneke and {C}hanhphengxay, {A}. and {C}haplot, {V}incent and {B}ourdon, {E}mmanuel and {B}ricquet, {J}ean-{P}ierre and {M}archand, {P}ierre and {P}ierret, {A}lain and {R}ibolzi, {O}livier and {T}hiebaux, {P}ierre}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{CONSERVATION} {DU} {SOL} ; {BASSIN} {VERSANT} ; {AGRICULTURE} ; {HAUTE} {ALTITUDE} ; {PROJET} {DE} {RECHERCHE} ; {PRATIQUE} {CULTURALE} ; {TRAVAIL} {DU} {SOL} ; {EROSION} ; {SEDIMENT} ; {RUISSELLEMENT} ; {COMMUNAUTE} {VILLAGEOISE} ; {STATUT} {SOCIOECONOMIQUE} ; {AGRICULTEUR} ; {AGRICULTURE} {DE} {MONTAGNE} ; {LAOS} ; {LUANG} {PRABANG} ; {BAN} {LAK} {SIP}}, booktitle = {{M}anagement of soil erosion and water resources in the uplands of {L}ao {P}.{D}.{R}.}, journal = {{L}ao {J}ournal of {A}griculture and {F}orestry}, numero = {{MSEC}.{M}anagement of {S}oil {E}rosion {C}onsortium special issue no 17}, pages = {31--50}, year = {2008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010045050}, }