@article{fdi:010044365, title = {{E}valuation of different {RNA} extraction methods and storage conditions of dried plasma or blood spots for {H}uman {I}mmunodeficiency {V}irus {T}ype 1 {RNA} quantification and {PCR} amplification for drug resistance testing}, author = {{M}onleau, {M}arjorie and {M}ontavon, {C}{\'e}line and {L}aurent, {C}hristian and {S}egondy, {M}. and {M}ontes, {B}. and {D}elaporte, {E}ric and {B}oillot, {F}. and {P}eeters, {M}artine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he development and validation of dried sample spots as a method of specimen collection are urgently needed in developing countries for monitoring of human immunodeficiency virus ({HIV}) infection. {O}ur aim was to test some crucial steps in the use of dried spots, i. e., viral recovery and storage over time. {M}oreover, we investigated whether dried plasma and blood spots ({DPS} and {DBS}, respectively) give comparable viral load ({VL}) results. {F}our manual {RNA} extraction methods from commercial {HIV} type 1 ({HIV}-1) {VL} assays-a {QIA}amp minikit ({Q}iagen), the {A}bbott {M}olecular sample preparation system, the {N}uclisens assay (bio{M}arieux), and {H}igh {P}ure viral nucleic acid kit ({R}oche {A}pplied {S}cience)-were compared for {VL} quantification and {PCR} amplification for genotypic drug resistance testing on dried spots from spiked plasma and residual samples from {HIV}-1 patients (n = 47; median {VL}, 4.13 log(10) copies/ml). {RNA} recovery from {DPS} was efficient using {N}uclisens extraction (median difference, 0.03 log(10) copies/ml) and slightly underestimated using the {A}bbott {M}olecular sample preparation system (median difference, 0.35 log(10) copies/ml). {PCR} amplification results were in concordance. {M}easurements from {DBS} overestimated {VL} for plasma, with {VL} results showing < 3.7 log(10) copies/ml. {VL} was stable for up to 3 months in spiked {DPS} stored at 20 degrees {C} but for only 1 month at 37 degrees {C}. {A} faster decline was observed in {PCR} efficiency: {DPS} could be stored for 1 week at 37 degrees {C} and for 1 month at 20 degrees {C}. {I}n conclusion, the {RNA} extraction method is an important factor in obtaining reliable {RNA} quantification and {PCR} amplification of {HIV}-1 on {DPS}/{DBS}. {DBS} could be used as an alternative for {DPS} depending on {HIV} {RNA} cutoffs for virological failure. {VL} measurements remain stable over a longer period than do {PCR} amplification results.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}linical {M}icrobiology}, volume = {47}, numero = {4}, pages = {1107--1118}, ISSN = {0095-1137}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1128/jcm.02255-08}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044365}, }