@article{fdi:010044364, title = {{A} modelling method to quantify in situ the input of carbon from roots and the resulting {C} turnover in soil}, author = {{P}ansu, {M}arc and {M}artineau, {Y}. and {S}augier, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}ecomposition experiments, using {C}-14 and {N}-15 labelled plant materials in porous soilbags buried in contact with roots, were laid out in the {V}enezuelan paramo and the {B}olivian puna. {T}he tracers were previously used to calibrate a new version of {M}omos, a microbial biomass ({MB}) and decomposition model. {MB} is growing by ingestion of labile ({VL}) and stable ({VS}) plant materials as well as labile ({HL}) and stable ({HS}) humus, and is decreasing by respiration ({CO}2 output) and mortality (input into {HL}). {T}he fallow production model {F}aprom estimates biomass production, standing dead mass, and soil {C} input from plant mortality and potential root exudation. {T}his work aimed to address three objectives: (1) use parameter values calibrated on {C}-14 transformations to predict total {C} changes in soils, (2) quantify by simulations the {C} storage and turnover from new {C}-12 inputs from roots, (3) split inputs from root death into {VL} and {VS}, direct root exudation into {MB}. {T}hese objectives were attained except (2) in the humic soil of the paramo, for which total {C} or {MB}-{C} predictions were not significantly improved by root-{C} input. {T}he method described here is a new tool to predict in situ {C} input from roots (even when a production model is lacking) and the resulting {C} turnover for soils with moderate {C} stock. {E}xperimental data could be improved by optimizing contact between roots and soilbags and enhancing the repeatability of {MB}-{C} measurements. {M}omos predicts half-lives of {MB}-{C} and {HL}-{C} labile compartments to be about 2 years in the puna and 35-80 y in the paramo. {T}he corresponding half-lives of the stable {HS}-{C} compartment were 300-500 y in the puna and 800-900 y in the paramo.}, keywords = {{R}oot carbon input ; {S}oil carbon turnover ; {I}sotopic tracers ; {M}icrobial biomass ; {M}icrobial respiration}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant and {S}oil}, volume = {317}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {103--120}, ISSN = {0032-079{X}}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1007/s11104-008-9791-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044364}, }