@article{fdi:010044278, title = {{I}mproving hydrological information acquisition from {DEM} processing in floodplains}, author = {{G}etirana, {A}ugusto and {B}onnet, {M}arie-{P}aule and {R}otunno, {O}. {C}. and {M}ansur, {W}. {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}xtraction of hydrological information from digital elevation models ({DEM}s) is a required {S}tep {W}hen conducting and spatially distributed hydrological modelling. {I}n particular automated methods are proposed to extract the drainage structure {F}ront the {DEM}. {H}owever, a realistic river network is not always derived from conventional {DEM} processing methods. {I}ndeed, inaccuracy {O}ccurs in flat areas corresponding to floodplains. {I}n these areas, additional {S}ources of information are required to extract the correct drainage direction from the {DEM}. {I}n this study, it is demonstrated that traditional approaches of {DEM}-preprocessing {S}uch as the commonly, known 'stream burning' fail to provide correct maps of drainage directions and catchment areas when the extension of flat areas is large. {A} new {M}ethod is proposed to take advantage of available imagery data. {T}his method is based oil a 'double {DEM} burning' process: {DEM} is first burned in the main rivers using the channel network, and then in the floodplain using the spatial distribution of floodplains provided by classified satellite images. {I}n this sense, the method has been referred to as the floodplain burning approach (or simply {FB} approach). {S}patial distribution of floodplains is derived fro a multitemporal {SAR} image classification. {A} system {O}f equations is {U}sed to vary the elevation {O}ffset required to be 'burnt' in each cell representing the floodplain, according to the minimal distance front the channel network, which is calculated by a distance transformation. {T}he {F}-{B} approach was applied to a sub-basin located within the larger {A}mazon {R}iver basin. {T}he region is characterized by large floodplain extensions. {B}asin delineation maps derived from the, new method were compared {W}ith those obtained from the traditional stream burning {M}ethod and highlighted more realistic results.}, keywords = {digital elevation model ; floodplain ; river network ; watershed ; delineation}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrological {P}rocesses}, volume = {23}, numero = {3}, pages = {502--514}, ISSN = {0885-6087}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1002/hyp.7167}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044278}, }