@article{fdi:010044247, title = {{E}ffects of temperature increase on the epidemiology of three major vector-borne viruses}, author = {{R}eynaud, {B}. and {D}elatte, {H}. and {P}eterschmitt, {M}. and {F}argette, {D}enis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he epidemiologies of {M}aize streak virus ({MSV}), {M}aize stripe virus ({MS}p{V}), and {M}aize mosaic virus ({MMV}) were compared in {L}a {R}eunion over a three year-period. {D}isease incidence caused by each virus was assessed, and the leaf and planthopper vector populations ({C}icadulina mbila and {P}eregrinus maidis) were estimated in weekly sowings of the temperate, virus-susceptible maize hybrid {INRA} 508 and of the composite resistant cv. {IRAT} 297. {MSV} caused the most prevalent disease and {MMV} the least, with lower incidences in cv. {IRAT} 297 than in {INRA} 508. {F}or each plant-virus-vector combination, (a) disease incidence was positively correlated to vector abundance, often with 1 month of time lag; (b) annual periodicity of disease incidence and of vector numbers was consistent with highest autocorrelations and a time lag of 12 months, (c) vector numbers and disease incidence were closely associated with temperature fluctuations, both remaining relatively constant below 24 {C} and increasing rapidly above this threshold temperature. {B}y contrast, relationships with rainfall and relative humidity ({RH}) were less consistent. {O}verall, 63 to 80% of the variance of disease incidence was explained through stepwise regression with vector number, temperature, and sometimes also rainfall or {RH}. {T}he simple epidemiological model proposed underlines the close link between increased temperature and possible (re-) emergence of these three diseases in a maize cropping area.}, keywords = {{C}icadulina mbila ; {E}pidemiology ; {P}eregrinus maidis ; {M}aize streak virus ; {M}aize stripe virus ; {M}aize mosaic virus}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uropean {J}ournal of {P}lant {P}athology}, volume = {123}, numero = {3}, pages = {269--280}, ISSN = {0929-1873}, year = {2009}, DOI = {10.1007/s10658-008-9363-5}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044247}, }