@article{fdi:010044227, title = {{T}he {A}rabidopsis {A}t{NPR}1 inversely modulates defense responses against fungal, bacterial, or viral pathogens while conferring hypersensitivity to abiotic stresses in transgenic rice}, author = {{Q}uilis, {J}. and {P}enas, {G}. and {M}esseguer, {J}. and {B}rugidou, {C}hristophe and {S}egundo, {B}. {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he nonexpressor of pathogenesis-related ({PR}) genes ({NPR}1) protein plays an important role in mediating defense responses activated by pathogens in {A}rabidopsis. {I}n rice, a disease-resistance pathway similar to the {A}rabidopsis {NPR}1-mediated signaling pathway one has been described. {H}ere, we show that constitutive expression of the {A}rabidopsis {NPRI} ({A}t{NPR}1) gene in rice confers resistance against fungal and bacterial pathogens. {A}t{NPR}1 exerts its protective effects against fungal pathogens by priming the expression of salicylic acid ({SA})-responsive endogenous genes, such as the {PR}1b, {TLP} ({PR}5). {PR}10, and {PBZ}1. {H}owever, expression of {A}t{NPR}1 in rice has negative effects on viral infections. {T}he {A}t{NPR}1-expressing rice plants showed a higher susceptibility to infection by the {R}ice yellow mottle virus ({RYMV}) which correlated well with a misregulation of {RYMV}-responsive genes, including expression of the {SA}-regulated {RNA}-dependent {RNA} polymerase 1 gene ({O}s{RDR}1). moreover, {A}t{NPR}1 negatively regulates the expression of genes playing a role in the plant response to salt and drought stress (rab21, sal{T}, and dip{I}), which results in a higher sensitivity of {A}t{NPR}1 rice to the two types of abiotic stress. {T}hese observations suggest that {A}t{NPR}1 has both positive and negative regulatory roles in mediating defense responses against biotic and abiotic stresses.}, keywords = {{E}rwinia chrysanthemi ; {F}usarium verticillioides ; {M}agnoporthe oryzae ; {O}ryza saliva}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}olecular {P}lant - {M}icrobe {I}nteractions}, volume = {21}, numero = {9}, pages = {1215--1231}, ISSN = {0894-0282}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1094/mpmi-21-9-1215}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044227}, }