@article{fdi:010044202, title = {{C}haracterization of a new polyvalent antivenom ({A}ntivipmyn ({R}) {A}frica) against {A}frican vipers and elapids}, author = {{R}amos {C}errillo, {B}. and de {R}oodt, {A}. {R}. and {C}hippaux, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and {O}lguin, {L}. and {C}asasola, {A}. and {G}uzman, {G}. and {P}aniagua {S}olis, {J}. and {A}lagon, {A}. and {S}tock, {R}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}s a response to the antivenom shortage in {S}ub-{S}aharan {A}frica, evident for well over a decade, we developed a new polyvalent anti-ophidian antivenom ({A}ntivipmyn ({R}) {A}frica) designed for use in the region. {W}e report a detailed characterization of its biochemical composition (protein content and profiling by size-exclusion chromatography and electrophoresis) as well as the specific and para-specific neutralization potencies (as median effective dose in the mouse lethality test). {A}dditionally, we studied the neutralization of hemorrhagic, anti-hemostatic and necrotic activities of {E}chis ocellatus venom, responsible for a majority of severe envenomations in the continent according to existing epidemiological data. {T}he antivenom is currently under production and has already been employed in the field in a pragmatic {P}hase {III} clinical trial in the {R}epublic of {B}enin. {I}t is a purified lyophilized polyvalent equine {F}(ab')(2)-based product obtained by immunization with the venoms of eleven species of {A}frican snakes of the {G}enera {E}chis, {B}itis, {N}aja and {D}endroaspis. {T}he criteria for its design are discussed, particularly in terms of the implementation of realistic public health policies targeting mostly rural populations in the continent.}, keywords = {{A}frican snakes ; {A}ntivenom ; {N}eutralization ; {P}re-clinical testing}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}oxicon}, volume = {52}, numero = {8}, pages = {881--888}, ISSN = {0041-0101}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.toxicon.2008.09.002}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044202}, }