@article{fdi:010044143, title = {{L}ow-frequency modulation of intraseasonal equatorial {K}elvin wave activity in the {P}acific from {SODA} : 1958-2001}, author = {{D}ewitte, {B}oris and {P}urca, {S}. and {I}llig, {S}erena and {R}enault, {L}ionel and {G}iese, {B}. {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}ntraseasonal equatorial {K}elvin wave activity ({IEKW}) at a low frequency in the {P}acific is investigated using the {S}imple {O}cean {D}ata {A}ssimilation ({SODA}) oceanic reanalyses. {A} vertical and horizontal mode decomposition of {SODA} variability allows estimation of the {K}elvin wave amplitude according to the most energetic baroclinic modes. {A} wavenumber-frequency analysis is then performed on the time series to derive indices of modulation of the {IEKW} at various frequency bands. {T}he results indicate that the {IEKW} activity undergoes a significant modulation that projects onto baroclinic modes and is not related in a straightforward manner to the low-frequency climate variability in the {P}acific. {L}inear model experiments corroborate that part of the modulation of the {IEKW} is tightly linked to change in oceanic mean state rather than to the low-frequency change of atmospheric equatorial variability.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {C}limate}, volume = {21}, numero = {22}, pages = {6060--6069}, ISSN = {0894-8755}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1175/2008jcli2277.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044143}, }