@article{fdi:010044045, title = {{T}wo steps to suicide in crickets harbouring hairworms}, author = {{S}anchez, {M}arta and {P}onton, {F}leur and {S}chmidt-{R}haesa, {A}. and {H}ughes, {D}. {P}. and {M}iss{\'e}, {D}oroth{\'e}e and {T}homas, {F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he hairworm ({N}ematomorpha) {P}aragordius tricuspidatus has the ability to alter the behaviour of its terrestrial insect host (the cricket {N}emobius sylvestris), making it jump into the water to reach its reproductive habitat. {B}ecause water is a limited and critical resource in the ecosystem, we predicted that hairworms should adaptively manipulate host behaviour to maximize parasite reproductive success. {O}ur results supported the hypothesis that the host manipulation strategy of hairworms consists of at least two distinct steps, first the induction of erratic behaviour and then suicidal behaviour per se. {H}airworms secured mating by starting to manipulate their host before being fully mature. {O}nce induced, the cricket's suicidal behaviour was maintained until the host found water but the fecundity of worms decreased over time. {A}s expected, the fecundity of worms was better in crickets with suicidal rather than erratic behaviour.}, keywords = {{E}nvironmental constraint ; {H}airworm ; {M}anipulation ; {N}emobius sylvestris ; {P}aragordius tricuspidatus ; {W}ater}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}nimal {B}ehaviour}, volume = {76}, numero = {{P}art 5}, pages = {1621--1624}, ISSN = {0003-3472}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.anbehav.2008.07.018}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044045}, }