@article{fdi:010044024, title = {{I}nsertion polymorphisms of {SINE}200 retrotransposons within speciation islands of {A}nopheles gambiae molecular forms - art. no. 163}, author = {{S}antolamazza, {F}. and {M}ancini, {E}. and {S}imard, {F}r{\'e}d{\'e}ric and {Q}i, {Y}. {M}. and {T}u, {Z}. {J}. and della {T}orre, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {SINE}s ({S}hort {IN}terspersed {E}lements) are homoplasy-free and co-dominant genetic markers which are considered to represent useful tools for population genetic studies, and could help clarifying the speciation processes ongoing within the major malaria vector in {A}frica, {A}nopheles gambiae s.s. {H}ere, we report the results of the analysis of the insertion polymorphism of a nearly 200 bp-long {SINE} ({SINE}200) within genome areas of high differentiation (i.e. "speciation islands") of {M} and {S} {A}. gambiae molecular forms. {M}ethods: {A} {SINE}-{PCR} approach was carried out on thirteen {SINE}200 insertions in {M} and {S} females collected along the whole range of distribution of {A}. gambiae s.s. in sub-{S}aharan {A}frica. {T}en specimens each for {A}nopheles arabiensis, {A}nopheles melas, {A}nopheles quadriannulatus {A} and 15 {M}/{S} hybrids from laboratory crosses were also analysed. {R}esults: {E}ight loci were successfully amplified and were found to be specific for {A}. gambiae s. s.: 5 on 2{L} chromosome and one on {X} chromosome resulted monomorphic, while two loci positioned respectively on 2{R} (i.e. {S}200 2{R}12{D}) and {X} (i.e. {S}200 {X}6.1) chromosomes were found to be polymorphic. {S}200 2{R}12{D} was homozygote for the insertion in most {S}-form samples, while intermediate levels of polymorphism were shown in {M}-form, resulting in an overall high degree of genetic differentiation between molecular forms ({F}st = 0.46 p < 0.001) and within {M}-form ({F}st = 0.46 p < 0.001). {T}he insertion of {S}200 {X}6.1 was found to be fixed in all {M}- and absent in all {S}-specimens. {T}his led to develop a novel easy-to-use {PCR} approach to straightforwardly identify {A}. gambiae molecular forms. {T}his novel approach allows to overcome the constraints associated with markers on the r{DNA} region commonly used for {M} and {S} identification. {I}n fact, it is based on a single copy and irreversible {SINE}200 insertion and, thus, is not subjected to peculiar evolutionary patterns affecting r{DNA} markers, e. g. incomplete homogenization of the arrays through concerted evolution and/or mixtures of {M} and {S} {IGS}-sequences among the arrays of single chromatids. {C}onclusion: {T}he approach utilized allowed to develop new easy-to-use co-dominant markers for the analysis of genetic differentiation between {M} and {S}-forms and opens new perspectives in the study of the speciation process ongoing within {A}. gambiae.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}alaria {J}ournal}, volume = {7}, numero = {163}, pages = {25}, ISSN = {1475-2875}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1186/1475-2875-7-163}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010044024}, }