@incollection{fdi:010043092, title = {{W}hy the number of hook per basket ({HPB}) is not a good proxy indicator or the maximum fishing depth in drifting longline fisheries ?}, author = {{B}ach, {P}ascal and {T}ravassos, {P}. and {G}aertner, {D}aniel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {}, keywords = {{PECHE} {HAUTURIERE} ; {ENGIN} {PECHE} ; {PALANGRE} ; {EFFORT} {DE} {PECHE} ; {ZONE} {DE} {PECHE} ; {PROFONDEUR} ; {ANALYSE} {DE} {DONNEES} ; {PACIFIQUE} {SUD}}, booktitle = {{W}orkshop methods to reduce mortality of juvenile tropical tunas = {A}telier sur les m{\'e}thodes {\`a} r{\'e}duire la mortalit{\'e} des thonid{\'e}s tropicaux juv{\'e}niles = {J}ornadas de trabajo sobre metodos para reducir la mortalidad de tunidos tropicales juveniles}, volume = {59}, numero = {2}, pages = {701--715}, address = {{M}adrid}, publisher = {{ICCAT}}, series = {{C}ollective {V}olume of {S}cientific {P}apers}, year = {2006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010043092}, }