@article{fdi:010042758, title = {{I}ron isotopes in acid mine waters and iron-rich solids from the {T}into-{O}diel {B}asin ({I}berian {P}yrite {B}elt, {S}outhwest {S}pain)}, author = {{E}gal, {M}arion and {E}lbaz {P}oulichet, {F}. and {C}asiot, {C}. and {M}otelica-{H}eino, {M}. and {N}egrel, {P}. and {B}runeel, {O}dile and {S}armiento, {A}. {M}. and {N}ieto, {J}. {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he isotopic composition of {F}e was determined in water, {F}e-oxides and sulfides from the {T}into and {O}diel {B}asins ({S}outh {W}est {S}pain). {A}s a consequence of sulfide oxidation in mine tailings both rivers are acidic (1.45 < p{H} < 3.85) and display high concentrations of dissolved {F}e (up to 420 mmol l(-1)) and sulphates (up to 1190 mmol l(-1)). {T}he delta {F}e-56 of pyrite-rich samples from the {R}io {T}into and from the {T}harsis mine ranged from -0.56 +/- 0.08 parts per thousand. to +0.25 +/- 0.1 parts per thousand. delta {F}e-56 {V}alues for {F}e-oxides precipitates that {C}urrently form in the riverbed varied from -1.98 +/- 0.10 parts per thousand. to 1.57 +/- 0.08 parts per thousand.. {C}omparatively narrower ranges of values (-0.18 +/- 0.08 parts per thousand. and +0.21 +/- 0.14 parts per thousand.) were observed in their fossil analogues from the {P}liocene-{P}leistocene and in samples from the {G}ossan (the oxidized layer that formed through exposure to oxygen of the massive {S}ulfide deposits) (-0.36 +/- 0.12 parts per thousand to 0.82 +/- 0.07 parts per thousand.). {I}n water, delta {F}e-56 values ranged from -1.76 +/- 0.10 parts per thousand. to +0.43 +/- 0.05 parts per thousand. {A}t the source of the {T}into {R}iver, fractionation between aqueous {F}e({III}) and pyrite from the tailings was less than would be expected from a simple pyrite oxidation {P}rocess. {S}imilarly, the isotopic composition of {G}ossan oxides and that of pyrite was different from what would be expected from pyrite oxidation. {I}n rivers, the precipitation of {F}e-oxides (mainly jarosite and schwertmannite and lesser amounts of goethite) from water containing mainly (more than 99 parts per thousand) {F}e({III}) with concentrations up to 372 mmol l(-1) causes variable fractionation between the solid and the aqueous phase (-0.98 parts per thousand < {D}elta {F}e-56(solid-water) < 2.25 parts per thousand). {T}he significant magnitude of the positive fractionation factor observed in several {F}e({III}) dominated water may be related to the {P}recipitation of {F}e({III}) sulphates containing phases.}, keywords = {{F}e isotopes ; {A}cid mine drainage ; {I}berian pyrite belt ; {ESPAGNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}hemical {G}eology}, volume = {253}, numero = {3-4}, pages = {162--171}, ISSN = {0009-2541}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.chemgeo.2008.05.006}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042758}, }