@article{fdi:010042733, title = {{M}ultibeam bathymetry and sidescan imaging of the {R}ivera {T}ransform-{M}octezuma spreading segment junction, northern {E}ast {P}acific {R}ise : new constraints on {R}ivera-{P}acific relative plate motion}, author = {{B}andy, {W}. {L}. and {M}ichaud, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {D}yment, {J}. and {M}ortera-{G}utierrez, {C}. {A}. and {B}ourgois, {J}acques and {C}almus, {T}. and {S}osson, {M}. and {O}rtega-{R}amirez, {J}. and {R}oyer, {J}. {Y}. and {P}ontoise, {B}. and {S}ichler, {B}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}o better understand the recent motion of the {P}acific plate relative to the {R}ivera plate and to better define the limitations of the existing {R}ivera-{P}acific plate motion models for accurately predicting this motion, total-field magnetic data, multibeam bathymetric data and sidescan sonar images were collected during the {BART} and {FAMEX} campaigns of the {N}/{O} {L}'{A}talante conducted in {A}pril and {M}ay 2002 in the area surrounding the {M}octezuma {S}preading {S}egment of the {E}ast {P}acific {R}ise, located offshore of {M}anzanillo, {M}exico, at 106 degrees 16'{W}, between 17.8 degrees {N} and 18.5 degrees {N}. {A}mong the main results are: (1) the principle transform displacement zone of the {R}ivera {T}ransform is narrow and well defined east of 107 degrees 15'{W} and these azimuths should be used preferentially when deriving new plate motion models, and (2) spreading rates along the {M}octezuma {S}preading {S}egment should not be used in plate motion studies as either seafloor spreading has been accommodated at more than one location since the initiation of seafloor spreading in the area of the {M}octezuma {S}preading {S}egment, or this spreading center is not a {R}ivera-{P}acific plate boundary as has been previously assumed. {C}omparison of observed transform azimuths with those predicted by the best-fit poles of six previous models of {R}ivera-{P}acific relative motion indicate that, in the study area, a significant systematic bias is present in the predictions of {R}ivera-{P}acific motion. {A}lthough the exact source of this bias remains unclear, this bias indicates the need to derive a new {R}ivera-{P}acific relative plate motion model.}, keywords = {{E}ast pacific rise ; {R}ivera transform ; {R}ivera plate ; {M}exico ; {P}late boundary morphology ; {P}late motions}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ectonophysics}, volume = {454}, numero = {1-4}, pages = {70--85}, ISSN = {0040-1951}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.tecto.2008.04.013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042733}, }