@article{fdi:010042715, title = {{C}omparative study of meningitis dynamics across nine {A}frican countries : a global perspective - art. no. 29}, author = {{B}routin, {H}{\'e}l{\`e}ne and {P}hilippon, {S}. and {C}onstantin de {M}agny, {G}uillaume and {C}ourel, {M}. {F}. and {S}ultan, {B}enjamin and {G}u{\'e}gan, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground: {M}eningococcal meningitis ({MM}) represents an important public health problem especially in the "meningitis belt" in {A}frica. {A}lthough seasonality of epidemics is well known with outbreaks usually starting in the dry season, pluri-annual cycles are still less understood and even studied. {I}n this context, we aimed at study {MM} cases time series across 9 sahelo-sudanian countries to detect pluri-annual periodicity and determine or not synchrony between dynamics. {T}his global and comparative approach allows a better understanding of {MM} evolution in time and space in the long-term. {R}esults: {W}e used the most adapted mathematical tool to time series analyses, the wavelet method. {W}e showed that, despite a strong consensus on the existence of a global pluri-annual cycle of {MM} epidemics, it is not the case. {I}ndeed, even if a clear cycle is detected in all countries, these cycles are not as permanent and regular as generally admitted since many years. {M}oreover, no global synchrony was detected although many countries seemed correlated. {C}onclusion: {T}hese results of the first large-scale study of {MM} dynamics highlight the strong interest and the necessity of a global survey of {MM} in order to be able to predict and prevent large epidemics by adapted vaccination strategy. {I}nternational cooperation in {P}ublic {H}ealth and cross-disciplines studies are highly recommended to hope controlling this infectious disease.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {H}ealth {G}eographics}, volume = {6}, numero = {29}, pages = {10}, ISSN = {1476-072{X}}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1186/1476-072{X}-6-29}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042715}, }