@article{fdi:010042690, title = {{L}'{\'e}conomique, le social et le spatial. {L}es trois dimensions de la surmasculinit{\'e} juv{\'e}nile en {I}nde = {E}conomic, social and spatial dimensions of {I}ndia's excess of masculinity}, author = {{G}uilmoto, {C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}his article examines the determinants of the current increase in the sex ratio among children in {I}ndia in the light of regional data. {T}he marked disparities between districts, as revealed by measuring spatial autocorrelation, are a key to understanding these recent developments. {T}hey can be used to assess the relative influence of a large number of social and economic characteristics on inter-regional sex ratio variation. {T}he specific effect of economic prosperity is shown to be clearly correlated with the rising sex ratio. {E}xtended modelling of these regional variations, incorporating the spatial dimension, demonstrate the specific roles played by the sociological composition of the population, economic development and diffusion effects. {T}he conclusion offers an interpretation of these various determinants of high sex ratio in [{R}eferences: 49]}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}opulation}, volume = {63}, numero = {1}, pages = {93--122}, ISSN = {0032-4663}, year = {2008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042690}, }