@article{fdi:010042685, title = {{P}reventing nematodes from spreading : a case study with {R}adopholus similis ({C}obb) thorne in a banana field}, author = {{C}habrier, {C}. and {Q}u{\'e}n{\'e}herv{\'e}, {P}atrick}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{D}uring the last decade, new crop systems have been developed in the {F}rench {W}est {I}ndies to avoid repeated applications of nematicides in banana fields. {T}hese combine fallow or rotation crops and nematode-free in vitro plants. {I}n many fields, however, after 2-4 years, the burrowing nematodes {R}adopholus similis progressively re-infest banana fields, leading growers to re-apply nematicides. {A}mong different hypotheses for re-infestation, we studied the possibility that nematodes were disseminated by runoff water. {T}he study was conducted in an experimental field on plots that were defined by ditches or marked with flags and weeded or not, prior to replanting with in vitro plants. {R}esults showed that 50-80cm deep ditches efficiently prevent {R}. similis dissemination and that dispersion by water runoff is the major route of contamination. {I}n contrast, weed management during the fallow period had little influence.}, keywords = {{C}ontamination dynamics ; {B}urrowing nematode ; {P}est dissemination ; {R}unoff water ; {W}eed}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}rop {P}rotection}, volume = {27}, numero = {9}, pages = {1237--1243}, ISSN = {0261-2194}, year = {2008}, DOI = {0.1016/j.cropro.2008.03.005}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042685}, }