@article{fdi:010042613, title = {{S}ub-genomic origin and regulation patterns of a duplicated {WRKY} gene in the allotetraploid species {C}offea arabica}, author = {{P}etitot, {A}nne-{S}ophie and {L}ecouls, {A}nne-{C}laire and {F}ernandez, {D}iana}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he extensively cultivated coffee species {C}offea arabica is an allotetraploid resulting from a recent hybridization between two wild diploid {C}offea species. {W}e describe in this paper the first identification and functional assessment of homoeologous gene copies in {C}. arabica. {W}hen cloning the {C}a{WRKY}1 gene encoding a transcription factor of the {WRKY} superfamily associated with plant defense responses to pathogens ({G}anesh et al. in {P}lant {S}ci 170:1045-1051, 2006), two distinct gene copies ({C}a{WRKY}1a and {C}a{WRKY}1b) were obtained from {C}. arabica. {S}outhern blots experiments and phylogenetic analysis of the {WRKY}1 gene in related diploid {C}offea species showed that {C}a{WRKY}1a and {C}a{WRKY}1b are homoeologous sequences in the allopolyploid coffee genome and are probably close descents of the extant {C}offea canephora and {C}. eugenioides {WRKY}1 genes. {T}o verify if {C}a{WRKY}1a and {C}a{WRKY}1b were both functional, gene expressions were monitored in {C}. arabica plants challenged by the rust fungus {H}emileia vastatrix, the root-knot nematode {M}eloidogyne exigua, and after several abiotic treatments. {R}eal-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction ({PCR}) assays showed that {C}a{WRKY}1 homoeologs were concomitantly expressed and displayed the same altered patterns of expression in leaves and roots during biotic and abiotic treatments. {T}hese results suggest that {C}a{WRKY}1a and {C}a{WRKY}1b were functionally retained in the coffee genome after allopolyploidization and that no functional divergence occurred between the duplicated genes in the {C}. arabica genome. {T}his study provides the first molecular data on sub-genome-specific expression in allopolyploid coffee. {T}he origin of the {C}. arabica sub-genomes is discussed with regards on the probable progenitors of this important crop species.}, keywords = {allopolyploidy ; coffea ; disease resistance ; gene regulation ; coffee phylogenetics ; {WRKY} transcription factor}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}ree {G}enetics and {G}enomes}, volume = {4}, numero = {3}, pages = {379--390}, ISSN = {1614-2942}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1007/s11295-007-0117-x}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042613}, }