@article{fdi:010042605, title = {{R}ecalibration of the yellow {R}hizocarpon growth curve in the {C}ordillera {B}lanca ({P}eru) and implications for {LIA} chronology}, author = {{J}omelli, {V}incent and {G}rancher, {D}. and {B}runstein, {D}. and {S}olomina, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} new lichen dating method and new moraine observations enabled us to improve the chronology of glacier advances in the {C}ordillera {B}lanca ({P}eru) during the {L}ittle {I}ce {A}ge ({LIA}). {O}ur results reveal that an early {LIA} glacial advance occurred around {AD} 1330 +/- 29. {H}owever, a second major glacial advance at the beginning of the 17th century overlapped the earlier stage for most glaciers. {H}ence, this second glacial stage, dated from {AD} 1630 +/- 27, is considered as the {LIA} maximum glacial advance in the {C}ordillera {B}lanca. {D}uring the 17th-18th centuries, at least three glacial advances were recorded synchronously for the different glaciers ({AD} 1670 +/- 24, 1730 +/- 21, and 1760 +/- 19). {T}he moraines corresponding to the two first stages are close to the one in 1630 suggesting a slow recession of about 18% in the total length of the glacier. {F}rom the {LIA} maximum extent to the beginning of the 20th century, the 24 glaciers have retreated a distance of about 1000 in, corresponding to a reduction of 30% in their length. {T}his rate is comparable to that observed during the 20th century. {E}stimates of palaeo-{E}quilibrium {L}ine {A}ltitudes show an increase in attitude of about 100 m from the {LIA} maximum glacial extension at the beginning of the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century. {B}ecause long time series are not available for precipitation and temperature, this glacial retreat is difficult to explain by past climate changes. {H}owever, there is a fair correspondence between changes in glacier length and the delta {O}-18 recorded in the {Q}uelccaya ice core at a century timescale. {O}ur current knowledge of tropical glaciers and isotope variations leads us to suggest that this common tropical signal reflects a change from a wet {LIA} to the drier conditions of today. {F}inally, a remarkable synchronicity is observed with glacial variations in {B}olivia, suggesting a common regional climatic pattern during the {LIA}.}, keywords = {{L}ittle {I}ce {A}ge {LIA} ; glacier fluctuations ; {C}ordillera {B}lanca ; lichenometry ; extreme value and bahesian modelling}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eomorphology}, volume = {93}, numero = {3-4}, pages = {201--212}, ISSN = {0169-555{X}}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geomorph.2007.02.021}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042605}, }