@article{fdi:010042555, title = {{H}olocene fires in {E}ast {A}mazonia ({C}araja's), new evidences, chronology and relation with paleoclimate}, author = {{C}ordeiro, {R}. {C}. and {T}urcq, {B}runo and {S}uguio, {K}. and da {S}ilva, {A}. {O}. and {S}ifeddine, {A}bdelfettah and {V}olkmer {R}ibeiro, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}ast studies have evidenced the presence of charcoal in soils and lacustrine sediments of {A}mazonia region and suggested occurrences of widespread fires during the {M}iddle {H}olocene. {H}owever, the available records do not indicate the changes in fire regime with enough time resolution. {W}e quantified charcoal fragments in lacustrine sediments in a lake of {N}orth {C}arajas plateau in {E}ast {A}mazonia (5 degrees 50'-6 degrees 35'{S} and 49 degrees 30'-52 degrees 00'{W}). {T}he charcoal quantification was compared to other sediment proxies, allowing a connection between paleofires and climate changes. {L}arge variations in sediment characteristics led to distinct stages of sedimentation. {F}rom 11,800 (base of {CSN} 93/4) to 4750 cal yr {B}.{P}., low accumulation rates of organic matter are observed. {B}etween 7600 cal yr {B}.{P}. (base of {CSN} 93/3 core) and 4750 cal yr {B}.{P}., this initial phase of sedimentation is characterized by low chlorophyll derivate accumulation rates and high accumulation rates of {B}otryococcus braunii, an alga resistant to episodic drought. {T}he first phase of sedimentation would therefore correspond to, a low take level and a drier climate than today. {L}arge biomass burning events occurred between 7450 cal yr {B}.{P}. and 4750 cal yr {B}.{P}., as indicated by the high charcoal particle concentration. {F}rom 4750 cal yr {B}.{P}. to 2800 cal yr {B}.{P}., accumulation rates of charcoal particles decreased, and the accumulation rate of chlorophyll derivate was low. {F}rom 2800 cal yr {B}.{P}. to 1300 cal yr {B}.{P}., the charcoal accumulation rates reached their lowest values in the core and a rapid increase in lacustrine production is evidenced by the increase in chlorophyll derivates and carbon accumulation rate. {F}rom 1300 cal yr {B}.{P}. to the last century, the charcoal accumulation rates increased. {D}uring the most recent period, the record is characterized by high accumulation rates of chlorophyll derivates while the charcoal particle accumulation rate decreased. {T}his region is still unaffected by the current increase of anthropogenic fires.}, keywords = {{A}mazonia ; {H}olocene ; forest fire ; paleoclimate ; charcoal ; {C}arajas}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}lobal and {P}lanetary {C}hange}, volume = {61}, numero = {1-2}, pages = {49--62}, ISSN = {0921-8181}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.gloplacha.2007.08.005}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042555}, }