@article{fdi:010042513, title = {{N}earshore intertidal topography and topographic-forcing mechanisms of an {A}mazon-derived mud bank in {F}rench {G}uiana}, author = {{A}nthony, {E}. {J}. and {D}olique, {F}ranck and {G}ardel, {A}. and {G}ratiot, {N}icolas and {P}roisy, {C}hristophe and {P}olidori, {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he intertidal topography in the vicinity of the contact zone between a longshore-migrating {A}mazon-derived mud bank and the muddy terrestrial shoreline in {F}rench {G}uiana was defined from a combination of satellite-based {SPOT} images, airborne lidar data and high-resolution total station ground surveying of a 75,000 in 2 plot. {T}he three approaches, at different scales, were carried out at different periods. {D}igital elevation models generated from these three techniques, however, converge in highlighting the topographic micro-scale (centimetre-scale) variability of the mud bank surface while showing meso- to macro-scale features that reflect the dominance of wave activity in mud bank mobilization and attachment to the terrestrial shoreline. {T}hese features are bar-like longshore forms that develop in the intertidal zone from the shoreward drift of gel-like mud that accompanies wave damping. {T}he features progressively become consolidated through mud drying out associated with the formation of cracks that are important in mangrove colonization and ecological changes. {F}luid-mud accumulations formed from high concentrations of mud trapped in the troughs behind these linear bar forms generate flat featureless surfaces that tend to mask topographic heterogeneity of the mud bank surface. {D}ewatering of these lower zones by progressive mud consolidation complements tidal water discharge in providing a mechanism for the formation of the numerous channels that dissect the linear bar features, especially in the upper intertidal contact zone with the terrestrial shoreline. {T}his dissection in the upper intertidal zone generates an intricate topography that replaces the original linear bar forms. {T}he innermost bar forms a 'suture' zone with the terrestrial shoreline. {R}eworking of this bar by high-energy waves may lead to mud dispersal over old terrestrial mangrove substrates, resulting in stifling of mangrove pneumatophores. {M}ud reworking at the narrow trailing edge of the {M}ud bank in the subtidal and lower intertidal zones leaves behind a flat bed that will eventually be completely croded by waves in the course of mud bank migration.}, keywords = {mud bank ; {A}mazon influenced coast ; topography ; fluid mud ; mud bars ; wave mud interaction ; mangroves ; {GUYANE} {FRANCAISE} ; {AMAZONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ontinental {S}helf {R}esearch}, volume = {28}, numero = {6}, pages = {813--822}, ISSN = {0278-4343}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1016/j.csr.2008.01.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042513}, }