@article{fdi:010042449, title = {{T}wentieth century {ENSO} characteristics in the {IPCC} database}, author = {{L}eloup, {J}ulie and {L}engaigne, {M}atthieu and {B}oulanger, {J}ean-{P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n this paper, we assess and compare to observations the spatial characteristics of the twentieth {C}entury {ENSO} {SST} variability simulated by 23 models of the {IPCC}-{AR}4/{CMIP}3 database. {T}he analysis is confined to the {SST} anomalies along the equatorial {P}acific and is based on the use of a non-linear neural classification algorithm, the {S}elf-{O}rganizing {M}aps. {S}ystematic biases include a larger than observed proportion for modelled {ENSO} maximum variability occurring in the {W}estern {P}acific. {N}o clear relationship is found between this bias and the characteristics of the modelled mean state bias in the equatorial {P}acific. {T}his bias is mainly related to a misrepresentation of both {E}l {N}i (n) over tildeo and {L}a {N}i (n) over tildea termination phases for most of the models. {I}n contrast, the onset phase is quite well simulated. {M}odelled {E}l {N}i (n) over tildeo and {L}a {N}i (n) over tildea peak phases display an asymmetric bias. {W}hereas the main bias of the modelled {E}l {N}i (n) over tildeo peak is to exhibit a maximum in the western {P}acific, the simulated {L}a {N}i (n) over tildea bias mainly occurs in the central {P}acific. {I}n addition, some models are able to capture the observed {E}l {N}i (n) over tildeo peak characteristics while none of them realistically simulate {L}a {N}i (n) over tildea peaks. {I}t also arises that the models closest to the observations score unevenly in reproducing the different phases, preventing an accurate classification of the models quality to reproduce the overall {ENSO}-like variability.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, volume = {30}, numero = {2-3}, pages = {277--291}, ISSN = {0930-7575}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1007/s00382-007-0284-3}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010042449}, }