@article{fdi:010041536, title = {{F}luorogenic assay for molecular typing of the {L}eishmania donovani complex : taxonomic and clinical applications}, author = {{Q}uispe {T}intaya, {K}.{W}. and {L}aurent, {T}. and {D}ecuypere, {S}. and {H}ide, {M}allorie and {B}anuls, {A}nne-{L}aure and {D}e {D}oncker, {S}. and {R}ijal, {S}. and {C}anavate, {C}. and {C}ampino, {L}. and {D}ujardin, {J}.{C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e describe a new fluorogenic assay for the identification of species and intraspecies groups within the {L}eishmania donovani complex. {T}he assay combined (1) 2 polymerase chain reactions targeting the 2 cysteine proteinase b isogenes and ( 2) a fluorescence-resonance energy transfer/melting curve analysis of the polymorphisms within a 31-nt region. {A}ll strains within the {L}. donovani complex were distinguished from {L}. tropica, {L}. major, and {L}. aethiopica, and 5 distinct groups were identified within the {L}. donovani complex. {D}iscrepancies were observed with the present taxonomy on the basis of isoenzyme analysis and concerned {E}ast {A}frican strains, which suggests the need for a systematic reevaluation of the taxonomy. {T}he capacity to type parasites directly from clinical samples was demonstrated with blood and bone marrow samples. {T}his rapid and high-throughput alternative for molecular diagnosis and epidemiological studies of visceral leishmaniasis could be adapted for use with other {L}eishmania species.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {192}, numero = {4}, pages = {685--692}, ISSN = {0022-1899}, year = {2005}, DOI = {10.1086/432077}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010041536}, }