@article{fdi:010041524, title = {{S}canning electron microscopy study of the egg of {H}aemagogus ({H}aemagogus) capricornii {L}utz, 1904 ({D}iptera : {C}ulicidae)}, author = {{A}lencar, {J}. and {G}uimaraes, {A}.{E}. and {M}ello, {R}.{P}. and {L}opes, {C}.{M}. and {D}{\'e}gallier, {N}icolas and {S}antos {M}allet, {J}.{R}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}orphological details are provided for the dorsal and ventral surfaces of loth extremities and the micropylar area of eggs of {H}aemagogus ({H}aemagogus) capricornii {L}utz, captured in the {B}iological {R}eserve of {T}ingua, {S}tate of {R}io de {J}aneiro, {B}razil. {T}he eggs were observed by scanning electron microscopy with a morphometrical analysis of the main structures. {T}he outer chorionic cells on the ventral surface were extremely regular, such as those observed in {H}g. equiuus and {H}g. janthinomys. {T}he tubercles present differences in form, size, and distribution. {F}ilaments to attach to the substrate were observed in this species.}, keywords = {insecta ; mosquito ; eggs ; ultrastructure ; scanning electron microscopy}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}edical {E}ntomology}, volume = {42}, numero = {1}, pages = {1--6}, ISSN = {0022-2585}, year = {2005}, DOI = {10.1603/0022-2585(2005)042[0001:{SEMSOT}]2.0.{CO};2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010041524}, }