@article{fdi:010041512, title = {{D}istribution of {HIV}-1 variants in the {D}emocratic {R}epublic of {C}ongo suggests increase of subtype {C} in {K}inshasa between 1997 and 2002}, author = {{V}idal, {N}icole and {M}ulanga, {C}laire and {B}azepeo, {S}.{E}. and {M}wamba, {J}.{K}. and {T}shimpaka, {J}.{W}. and {K}ashi, {M}. and {M}ama, {N}. and {L}aurent, {C}hristian and {L}epira, {F}. and {D}elaporte, {E}ric and {P}eeters, {M}artine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {D}emocratic {R}epublic of {C}ongo ({DRC}) is characterized by low and stable {HIV} prevalences and high {HIV}-1 genetic diversity and is most probably the epicenter of {HIV}-1 group {M}. {O}ur major goal was to study the distribution of {HIV}-1 variants over a 5-year period against a background of political instability and civil war. {A} total of 288 {HIV}-1-positive samples collected in 2002 from sentinel population groups in an {HIV} serosurveillance study performed in 4 cities ({K}inshasa [capital city], {M}buji-{M}ayi [south], {L}ubumbashi [southeast], and {K}isangani [northeast]) were genetically characterized by sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the {V}3-{V}5 env region. {T}he results were compared with those obtained in 1997. {S}imilarly, as in 1997, an extremely high genetic diversity of {HIV}-1 strains overall and a heterogeneous geographic distribution were seen in 2002. {A}ll subtypes and several circulating recombinant forms were present, high intrasubtype diversity was observed, and 5.6% of the samples could not be classified. {I}n each geographic region of the {DRC}, the genetic diversity was significantly higher than in neighboring countries. {C}omparison of subtype distribution in similar population groups in {K}inshasa in 1997 and 2002 revealed an overall increase of subtype {C} in {K}inshasa from 2.1% to 9.7% and, more precisely, from 0% to 18.9% in female sex workers ({P} = 0.013). {G}enetic characterization of {HIV}-positive samples from sentinel surveys adds significant additional information on new trends in the {HIV} epidemic. {T}hese changes could have implications regarding the spread of {HIV} infection in the {DRC} as well on vaccine and/or treatment strategies.}, keywords = {{HIV} ; {A}frica ; {D}emocratic {R}epublic of {C}ongo ; subtypes ; circulating recombinant form}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}aids {J}ournal of {A}cquired {I}mmune {D}eficiency {S}yndromes}, volume = {40}, numero = {4}, pages = {456--462}, ISSN = {1525-4135}, year = {2005}, DOI = {10.1097/01.qai.0000159670.18326.94}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010041512}, }