@article{fdi:010040996, title = {{V}esicle trafficking during sporozoite development in {P}lasmodium berghei : ultrastructural evidence for a novel trafficking mechanism}, author = {{S}chrevel, {J}. and {A}sfaux {F}oucher, {G}. and {H}opkins, {J}. {M}. and {R}obert, {V}incent and {B}ourgouin, {C}. and {P}rensier, {G}. and {B}annister, {L}. {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{O}ocysts from {A}nopheles stephensi mosquitoes fed on murine blood infected with {P}lasmodium berghei berghei, were fixed for electron microscopy 6-12 days post-feeding. {U}ltrastructural analysis focused on {G}olgi-related trafficking pathways for rhoptry and microneme formation during sporogony. {A} small {G}olgi complex of 1-3 cisternae is formed close to the spindle pole body from coated vesicles budded from the nuclear envelope which is confluent with the endoplasmic reticulum. {R}hoptries begin as small spheroidal bodies apparently formed by fusion of {G}olgi-derived vesicles, lengthening to 3-4 mu m, and increasing in number to 4 per sporozoite. {U}ltrastructural data indicate the presence of a novel mechanism for vesicle transport between the {G}olgi complex and rhoptries along a longitudinal 30 nm - thick fibre (rootlet fibre or tigelle). {F}ilamentous links between vesicles and rootlet indicate that this is a previously undescribed vesicle transport organelle. {G}enesis of micronernes occurs late in bud maturation and starts as spheroidal dense-cored vesicles (pro-micronemes), transforming to their mature bottle-like shape as they move apically. {F}ilamentous links also occur between micronernes and subpellicular microtubules, indicating that as in merozoites, micronemes are trafficked actively along these structures.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}arasitology}, volume = {135}, numero = {1}, pages = {1--12}, ISSN = {0031-1820}, year = {2008}, DOI = {10.1017/{S}0031182007003629}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010040996}, }