@article{fdi:010040912, title = {{A}ntibody response against saliva antigens of {A}nopheles gambiae and {A}edes aegypti in travellers in tropical {A}frica}, author = {{O}rlandi {P}radines, {E}. and {A}lmeras, {L}. and {S}enneville, {L}.{D}. de and {B}arbe, {S}. and {R}emou{\'e}, {F}ranck and {V}illard, {C}. and {C}orn{\'e}lie, {S}ylvie and {P}enhoat, {K}. and {P}ascual, {A}. and {B}ourgouin, {C}. and {F}ontenille, {D}idier and {B}onnet, {J}ulien and {C}orre {C}atelin, {N}. and {R}eiter, {P}. and {P}ages, {F}. and {L}affite, {D}. and {B}oulanger, {D}enis and {S}imondon, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {P}radines, {B}. and {F}usai, {T}. and {R}ogier, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{E}xposure to vectors of infectious diseases has been associated with antibody responses against salivary antigens of arthropods among people living in endemic areas. {T}his immune response has been proposed as a surrogate marker of exposure to vectors appropriate for evaluating the protective efficacy of antivectorial devices. {T}he existence and potential use of such antibody responses in travellers transiently exposed to {P}lasmodium or arbovirus vectors in tropical areas has never been investigated. {T}he {I}g{M} and {I}g{G} antibody responses of 88 {F}rench soldiers against the saliva of {A}nopheles gambiae and {A}edes aegypti were evaluated before and after a 5-month journey in tropical {A}frica. {A}ntibody responses against {A}nopheles and {A}edes saliva increased significantly in 41% and 15% of the individuals, respectively, and appeared to be specific to the mosquito genus. {A} proteomic and immunoproteomic analysis of anopheles and {A}edes saliva allowed for the identification of some antigens that were recognized by most of the exposed individuals. {T}hese results suggest that antibody responses to the saliva of mosquitoes could be considered as specific surrogate markers of exposure of travellers to mosquito vectors that transmit arthropod borne infections.}, keywords = {malaria ; arbovirus ; vectors ; saliva ; antibody response ; proteomic ; travellers ; {A}nopheles gambiae ; {A}edes aegypti}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}icrobes and {I}nfection}, volume = {9}, numero = {12-13}, pages = {1454--1462}, ISSN = {1286-4579}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1016/j.micinf.2007.07.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010040912}, }