@article{fdi:010040804, title = {{U}se of fluorescence in situ hybridization as a tool for introgression analysis and chromosome identification in coffee ({C}offea arabica {L}.)}, author = {{H}errera, {J}. {C}. and {D}' {H}ont, {A}. and {L}ashermes, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}luorescence in situ hybridization ({FISH}) was used to study the presence of alien chromatin in interspecific hybrids and one introgressed line ({S}.288) derived from crosses between the cultivated species {C}offea arabica and the diploid relatives {C} canephora and {C}. liberica. {I}n situ hybridization using genomic {DNA} from {C}. canephora and {C}. arabica as probes showed elevated cross hybridization along the hybrid genome, confirming the weak differentiation between parental genomes. {A}ccording to our genomic in situ hybridization ({GISH}) data, the observed genomic resemblance between the modern {C}. canephora genome ({C}) and the {C}. canephora-derived subgenome of {C}. arabica ({C}-a) appears rather considerable. {P}oor discrimination between {C} and {C}a chromosomes supports the idea of low structural modifications of both genomes since the {C}. arabica speciation, at least in the frequency and distribution of repetitive sequences. {GISH} was also used to identify alien chromatin segments on chromosome spreads of a {C} liberica-introgressed line of {C} arabica. {F}urther, use of {GISH} together with {BAC}-{FISH} analysis gave us additional valuable information about the physical localization of the {C}. liberica fragments carrying the {S}({H})3 factor involved in resistance to the coffee leaf rust. {O}verall, our results illustrate that {FISH} analysis is a complementary tool for molecular cytogenetic studies in coffee, providing rapid localization of either specific chromosomes or alien chromatin in introgressed genotypes derived from diploid species displaying substantial genomic differentiation from {C}. arabica.}, keywords = {coffee ; {BAC} {FISH} ; interspecific hybridization ; {GISH} ; introgression ; genome evolution}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}enome}, volume = {50}, numero = {7}, pages = {619--626}, ISSN = {0831-2796}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1139/{G}07-034}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010040804}, }