@article{fdi:010040796, title = {{L}es contradictions de la gestion int{\'e}gr{\'e}e des ressources en eau dans l'agriculture irrigu{\'e}e m{\'e}diterran{\'e}enne}, author = {{R}uf, {T}hierry and {V}alcony, {M}.{J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}he water resources integrated management model is based on principles set in {D}ublin in 1992 and reproduced under equivalent terms in most {W}ater {C}onferences through the last 15 years. {T}his paper introduces several of these principles and discusses them against specific irrigation situations in northern and southern {M}editerranean countries. {T}he first principle gives the definition of the hydrologic territory, the watershed, whose limits are never really clear in the {M}editerranean context. {T}he second principle considers the unity of the resource and its concerted management between users, planners, and deciders. {I}t is a technocratic approach to observing composite human societies in {M}editerranean territories compiling a variety of water concerns according to such concepts as origin, access, use, and reuse. {T}he third principle focuses on the social issues on women, the part of society responsible for assuring the basic foundations of life. {S}till, in reality this approach hides the strong disparities which have developed in rural {M}editerranean societies and which have produced very limited results as far as improved water management by women is concerned. {T}he fourth principle, for which {D}ublin is the main reference, is the fixing of an economic value for water. {T}here are four modes commonly used for sharing this resource: instituting the payment of tolls, classifying the resource as common property, administering the resource as a public good, and treating the resource as a good on the market. in actual fact, these four modes co-exist in the same areas of water management, especially in {M}editerranean agriculture. {E}ach area has developed an institutional economic compromise, but world water policies lead to the hydraulic impoverishment of the weakest producers in irrigated lands and to a new system for distributing resources in which the {S}tate, rather than disengaging from management of the resource, is expropriating the traditional holders of water rights and transferring them to the very people who already over-consume the resource.}, keywords = {globalization ; irrigation ; {M}editerranean region ; resource management ; water conservation ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ahiers {A}griculture}, volume = {16}, numero = {4}, pages = {294--300}, ISSN = {1166-7699}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1684/agr.2007.0120}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010040796}, }