@article{fdi:010040698, title = {{C}omparison between a coffee single copy chromosomal region and {A}rabidopsis duplicated counterparts evidenced high level synteny between the coffee genome and the ancestral {A}rabidopsis genome}, author = {{M}ah{\'e}, {L}aetitia and {C}ombes, {M}arie-{C}hristine and {L}ashermes, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {A}rabidopsis thaliana genome sequence provides a catalogue of reference genes that can be used for comparative analysis of other species thereby facilitating map-based cloning in economically important crops. {W}e made use of a coffee bacterial artificial chromosome ({BAC}) contig linked to the {S}({H})3 leaf rust resistance gene to assess microsynteny between coffee ({C}offea arabica {L}.) and {A}rabidopsis. {M}icrosynteny was revealed and the matching counterparts to {C}. arabica contigs were seen to be scattered throughout four different syntenic segments of {A}rabidopsis on chromosomes ({A}th) {I}, {III}, {IV} and {V}. {C}offee {BAC} filter hybridizations were performed using coffee putative conserved orthologous sequences to {A}rabidopsis predicted genes located on the different {A}rabidopsis syntenic regions. {T}he coffee {BAC} contig related to the {S}({H})3 region was successfully consolidated and later on validated by fingerprinting. {F}urthermore, the anchoring markers appeared in same order on the coffee {BAC} contigs and in all {A}rabidopsis segments with the exception of a single inversion on {A}t{III} and {A}t{IV} {A}rabidopsis segments. {H}owever, the {S}({H})3 coffee region appears to be closer to the ancestral genome segment (before the divergence of {A}rabidopsis and coffee) than any of the duplicated counterparts in the present-day {A}rabidopsis genome. {T}he genome duplication events at the origin of its {A}rabidopsis counterparts occurred most probably after the separation (i.e. 94 million years ago) of {E}uasterid ({C}offee) and {E}urosid ({A}rabidopsis).}, keywords = {{C}offea arabica ; conserved orthologous sequence ; duplication ; genome evolution ; microsynteny ; {A}rabidopsis thaliana}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {M}olecular {B}iology}, volume = {64}, numero = {6}, pages = {699--711}, ISSN = {0167-4412}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1007/s11103-007-9191-6}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010040698}, }