@article{fdi:010037998, title = {{E}ffectiveness of {P}ermanet in {C}ote d'{I}voire rural areas and residual activity on a knockdown-resistant strain of {A}nopheles gambiae}, author = {{T}our{\'e}, {M}ahama and {E}tang, {J}. {D}. and {C}arnevale, {P}ierre and {C}handre, {F}abrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he effectiveness of long-lasting preimpregnated nets of {P}ermanet type (deltamethrin, 50 mg/m(2)) erected in households in rural areas of {C}ote d'{I}voire was tested on two laboratory strains of {A}nopheles gambiae s.s.: the {K}isumu susceptible strain and the {V}k per pyrethroids resistant strain with > 70% kdr allelic frequency. {T}reated nets were distributed in households in three villages of {D}anane forest area in western part of {C}ote d'{I}voire. {I}n each village, a net was sampled for bioassays. {T}hree {P}ermanets also were erected in the laboratory, serving as control samples. {F}rom {M}ay 2001 to {J}uly 2002, the effectiveness of these deltamethrin-pretreated nets was monitored using {W}orld {H}ealth {O}rganization-cone tests on the two strains of {A}n. gambiae. {M}ortality rates were recorded 24 h postexposure. {K}nockdown times for 50 and 95% mosquitoes (kd{T}(50) and kd{T}(95), respectively) were estimated by means of {WIN} {DL} software. {O}ne-way analysis of variance was used to compare the knockdown times. {T}imes to failure of nets were analyzed using {C}ox model. {T}he kd{T}(50) of the {K}isumu susceptible strain with both laboratory samples and nets used in the field varied around 10 min. {N}o significant difference was recorded between the kd{T}(50) of the {K}isumu susceptible strain with laboratory kept nets and samples of nets used in the field. {T}he kd{T}(95) values were in the same scale with the two types of nets. {T}he kd{T}(50) of the {V}k per resistant strain when exposed to used nets were twofold that of the {K}isumu susceptible strain at the beginning of the trial, and they increased to fivefold 15 mo later. {T}hese latter kd{T}(50) significantly differed to those of the {K}isumu susceptible strain tested with laboratory and field samples of nets. {T}he kd{T}(95) significantly differed from those of the {K}isumu strain with laboratory kept nets and with field kept nets. {B}aseline bioassay mortality rates were always 99-100% with the {K}isumu susceptible strain, and they did not show any significant difference between laboratory-kept nets and field-used nets during the 15-mo trial. {W}ith the {V}k per resistant strain, the expected long-lasting activity was not achieved. {A} high decrease of mortality rates was observed from 69 to 75% in the first 3 mo to 2% at the month 15. {T}his mortality was associated with significant differences between {V}k per resistant strain tested with field-used nets compared with {K}isumu susceptible strain tested with both laboratory kept-nets and field-used nets. {T}his study emphasized the actual long-lasting effectiveness of {P}ermanet against the {A}n. gainbiae {K}isumu susceptible reference strain and a rapid decrease of residual activity against a strain with kdr-based resistance to pyrethroids.}, keywords = {{A}nopheles gambiae ; knockdown resistance ; long lasting impregnated nets ; {C}ote d' {I}voire ; {COTE} {D}'{IVOIRE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}edical {E}ntomology}, volume = {44}, numero = {3}, pages = {498--502}, ISSN = {0022-2585}, year = {2007}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010037998}, }