@article{fdi:010037838, title = {{E}nrichment, concentration and retention processes in relation to anchovy ({E}ngraulis ringens) eggs and larvae distributions in the northern {H}umboldt upwelling ecosystem}, author = {{L}ett, {C}hristophe and {P}enven, {P}ierrick and {A}yon, {P}. and {F}r{\'e}on, {P}ierre}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} {L}agrangian model is used to simulate and quantify in the northern {H}umboldt upwelling ecosystem the processes of enrichment, concentration and retention, identified by {B}akun [{B}akun, {A}., 1996. {P}atterns in the ocean. {O}cean processes and marine population (sic). {U}niversity of {C}alifornia {S}ea {G}rant, {C}alifornia, {USA}, in cooperation with {C}entro de {I}nvestigaciones {B}iologicas de {N}oroeste, (sic) {C}alifornia {S}ur, {M}exico, 323 pp.] as being important for the survival and recruitment of early life stages of pelagic fish. {T}he method relies on tracking the positions of particles within water velocity fields generated by a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model. {S}imple criteria for considering particles as participating to enrichment, concentration or retention are used to derive indices of the three processes. {W}e analyse the spatial distribution of and seasonal variability in these indices. {T}he results are discussed in relation to anchovy ({E}ngraulis ringens) eggs and larvae distributions off {P}eru, and to a comparable study conducted in the southern {B}enguela upwelling ecosystem.}, keywords = {{L}agrangian model ; ocean triad ; enrichment ; concentration ; retention ; pelagic fish ; recruitment ; ichthyoplankton ; {P}eru ; hydrodynamic model ; mesoscale}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {M}arine {S}ystems}, volume = {64}, numero = {1-4}, pages = {189--200}, ISSN = {0924-7963}, year = {2007}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jmarsys.2006.03.012}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010037838}, }